This event began in 1992 at the request of Derry City Council as part of Impact 92 programme. Since then, Derry City Council have continued to play a major part in the development of the tournament. The organisers, the Derry & District Youth F.A. enjoy an excellent relationship with and tremendous support from, Derry City Council’s Development Dept. ( who not only provide financial support but provide playing surfaces free of charge).
In the first year the event was essentially N.Ireland based and clubs affiliated to the Northern Ireland Boys Football Association were invited to participate. It was staged over one day, with 8 teams taking part in an U 14 and U16 event.
The event began to attract interest from mainland Britain and demand for places in the tournament increased, with entries now arriving from England, Scotland and Wales. As the demand increased so too did the number of entries and the length of the tournament. Growth in the tournament witnessed an entry of almost 90 teams from all over the UK for a six day event in 2005 .
The quality of entry has increased steadily each year with the top clubs in England, Scotland, N.Ireland and Republic of Ireland travelling to Derry to compete as well as a few annual entries from mainland Europe and North America. Every few years teams travel from South Africa. 2011 saw a record 144 entrants playing across age groups ranging from Under 10 (mini soccer) up to Under 19.
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